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Shaykh Muhammad Afifi Al-Akiti
Defending the Transgressed by Censuring the reckless against the killing of
CiviliansAqsa Press Warda Publications, United Kingdom/Germany, 2005
kartoniert, 53 Seiten, EUR 6,00
Fatwa against the killing of civilians;
Shaikh Muhammad Afifi al-Akitis's Fatwa entitled "Defending the Transgressed by
Censuring the Reckless against the Killing of Civilians" was written in
response to the strife and troubles afflicting the Community of Muslims, and
humanity at large, in our age, day in and day out. Stress and confusion have
been created by Muslims who, intentionally or not, have misinterpreted the
legal discussions on warfare in Islamic Law. They set them outside their proper
contexts and abuse them, turning them into justifications for their
hate-inspired crimes.
The key Islamic concepts and rules pertaining to the conduct of war and its
jurisprudence, its arena and boundaries, and the subject of suicide bombings
and the recklass targeting of civilians have probably never before been
presented in English with such depth, clarity of thought, and breadth of
scholarship in Muslim Law.
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