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Veranstaltungsberichte zum Thema "Interreligiöse Aktivitäten und die Deutsche Muslim-Liga Bonn e.V."

„Jewish Christian Summer School“ in Ammerdown, Südengland - “Jerusalem und die drei Religionen“ 7 - 13. August 2006

Die Jewish Christian Summer School in Ammerdown findet alle zwei Jahre statt. Erstmals wurde die Konferenz 1992 veranstaltet.

Dieses Jahr lief sie vom 7. 13. August 2006. Von Seiten der DMLBonn nahm mit Schech Bashir Ahmad Dultz eine achtköpfige Gruppe teil, die sich aktiv ins Geschehen einbrachte: Claudia Balzereit leitete eine Kalligraphiegruppe, Chadigah M. Kissel eine Tanzgruppe; Wilhelm Sabri Hoffmann hielt einen Vortrag über Jerusalem aus muslimischer Sicht; Karimah Stauch brachte die Tagungsteilnehmerinnen zu Beginn miteinander ins Gespräch; weiterhin hatte sie sich aktiv um muslimischen Teilnehmer/innen bemüht, so dass am Donnerstag drei muslimische Besucher/innen aus Oxford als Tagungsgäste begrüßt werden konnten – unter ihnen der Vorsitzende der dortigen Zentralmoschee; Ismail Warscheid hielt die Freitagspredigt (siehe unten). Amina Bach und Sarah Großniklaus leisteten ebenfalls wichtige Beiträge zum Tagungsgeschehen.

Schech Bashir hatte im Planungsteam– an der Seite von Rabbi Dr. Michael Hilton und Father Michael Healy, sowie Bernadette Scholefield und Jane Ozanne vom Ammerdown Centre – die Tagung konzipiert und geplant und wirkte in der Leitung mit.

Planungsteam der Konferenz:
JEWISH: Rabbi Dr. Michael Hilton, Reform Rabbi and writer, author of ‘The Christian Effect on Jewish Life’. Kol Chai Hatch End Jewish Community
CHRISTIAN: Father Michael Healy, a specialist in Christian, Jewish and Muslim relations who has just spent a year in Jerusalem.
MUSLIM: Sheikh Bashir Ahmad Dultz Spiritual Leader of the German Muslim League, Bonn.

Tagungsthema war in diesem Jahr: “Jerusalem und die drei Religionen“

Im Folgenden zwei Tagungsberichte von Sarah Großniklaus und Ismail Warscheid sowie ein Mail von Matthew Youde, einem Tagungsteilnehmer.



STATEMENT by Sarah Großniklaus

It was my first participation in this conference. I heard about it through the German Muslim League who’s one of the organizing members. With the German Muslim League I’ve participated in several interfaith conferences between Muslims and Christians in Germany. This conference in Ammerdown was therefore my first interfaith contact with Jews and my first conference with different European countries.

The subject of the conference, Jerusalem in the three faiths, was very interesting and relevant to all the three faiths. It’s a subject that’s very topical and needs to be discussed. I didn’t know a lot about the importance of Jerusalem in the three faiths. During this week I learned about the historical and religious understanding of Jerusalem in Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The discussions were above all based on an historical approach to the theme and the political situation of Jerusalem today wasn’t discussed as a main subject. I think it was important to share the understanding of Jerusalem between people with different religious backgrounds. Knowing the historical and religious importance of Jerusalem for another religion there will maybe grow a better comprehension of the current conflict in Jerusalem.

I don’t think that this conference on its own will have an influence on the conflict in Palestine and Israel, but I belief that conferences like this can change step by step the attitude of people towards this conflict and towards other religions. It’s important to keep hope that people who participated in this conference will speak about it with their friends and that in this way the knowledge and the experiences obtained during this week will disseminate like a spiral. In discussions with participants I was surprised that most of them didn’t ever have contact with people of other religions. They seemed to be positively surprised that dialogue with another religion can be peaceful and that similarities can be found. I think that shows the importance of interfaith conferences.

Besides the official parts of the conference, I found it very interesting to discuss with participants. These moments were a chance to discover the opinions of others and to share knowledge and understanding about different subjects. The fact that there were participants from the U.K. and from Germany enriched the discussions. It was very interesting to learn about how interfaith themes are organized in different ways. Maybe it would have been interesting to have Muslims, Jews and Christians from all the participant countries. What I appreciated in the conference was that young people had a chance to participate and to share their opinions. The Three Faiths Summer School was a very good experience for me. I learned a lot, not at least to improve my English.

Sarah Grossniklaus, 21, Christian member of the German Muslim League.
1205 Genève, Switzerland,

Ismail Warscheid
75011 Paris

Statement Three faith summer school Ammerdown, UK

From Monday 7th august until Sunday 13th august I participated at the three faith summer school at the Ammerdown Centre, UK. The week I spent there has been very inspiring and interesting for me. I learned much about the others two faiths (Judaism, Christianity) about the way they pray and how they conceive the world of today. I especially liked the Jewish contribution as it showed me once more the closeness between my Islamic faith and Judaism. The conference made it also very clear to me that most of the conflicts which separate us today, are exclusively political ones and cannot be in any way justified by theological or religious reasons.

I’m engaged in the interfaith dialogue since seven years and it is always a great pleasure for me to meet with people of other religions or beliefs. The conference gave me the possibility to enlarge my experiences in this field and to get in contact with new ideas and personalities. The fact that it was my first stay in an English speaking country made it even more interesting for me to attain the Ammerdown conference. I have been educated mainly in German, Arabic and French intellectual and cultural traditions. Having the chance to get in touch with the English culture has therefore been also a great opportunity. It really opened new perspectives for my personal and my professional life. In the future I hope to come back to Ammerdown because I really liked the centre, its surrounding and the loving hospitality of its community. I also hope that this kind of conferences will continue to be organised. They are crucial for a better understanding of each other and for a peaceful living together based on mutual respect.

Ismail Warscheid

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Deutsche Muslim-Liga Bonn e.V. - 1427 / 2006